Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Terk Chha and Kbal Terk

If we talk about the resort in Kampong Cham, we must recall that the resort Terk Chha and Kbal Terk, located not far from Kampong Cham town is a distance of approximately 39 km .

This resort is located  Boengnay village , Krouch commune, Preychhor district ,Kampong Cham provine. This resort  aesthetically want to play a game It is not only for playing but also a temple for tourists to study and even entertaining . Temples , called Phres Theat Terk Chha Located in Tmor  Da village and Tmey village, Krouch commune , Cheung Prey district  . Temples Phres Theat Terk Chha there are other small temples around 500 , but as we went through the war and therefore , a number of temples were damaged almost lose shape . Dinosaurs and the Buddhist monks constantly temple Where old foundation Take care not to lose the old scars .
Besides far temples where entertainment is the headwaters and both Zoo Beautiful spectacle secret place . It is located nearby and Both places .
Because tourist both Zoo Beautiful spectacle secret place It is located nearby and Both places .

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